SAM Virus Clinic examines (or scans) the files on your volumes for the presence of known viruses and lists any infected files that are found in the Results Window. It also reports any 'irregularities' in your files if you set the Scan Options to report these. If one of your files is infected with a known virus, replace the infected file with an original, uninfected copy of the file. If you don't have an original, SAM Virus Clinic can generally repair the file. ^BSelecting Volumes to Scan When you start SAM Virus Clinic, your mounted volumes appear in the main window. If you click Scan, all selected volumes are scanned. If you don't want to scan a volume, you must deselect it. To deselect a volume, click on its icon. Generally, operations are performed only on selected volumes. ^BEjecting Removable Volumes Removable volumes, such as floppy disks, are also displayed in the Mounted Volumes Area. To eject a mounted floppy disk (or any removable media), choose 'Eject' from the File menu. All mounted and selected volumes that are removable are then ejected. ^BScanning Selected Volumes When you click the Scan button, SAM Virus Clinic scans all selected volumes and displays the results of the scan in the Results Window. In this case, SAM Virus Clinic scans all the selected volumes; however, you can scan individual files, folders, or volumes in SAM Virus Clinic using the Features menu. ^BScanning Files, Folders, or a Volume The Features menu lets you scan individual files, folders, or floppy disks. For example, use 'Scan System Folder' to scan the System Folder on your current startup volume. ^BFile Menu The File Menu lets you manage any mounted volumes and the files on those volumes. 'Eject' ejects any removable media that is selected in the Mounted Volumes Area. 'Delete File' deletes the a file from a volume. You can use this to delete an infected file that you have an original copy of. Make sure you have an original or backup copy of the file before deleting it. 'Export' saves the contents of the Results Window to a text file you can open with word processing applications. 'Page Setup' displays the standard Macintosh Page Setup dialog box where you can change the current page setup options. 'Print1' prints the contents of the Results Window to the currently selected printer without displaying the print options dialog box. 'Print' displays the print options dialog box before you print the contents of the Results Window. 'Quit' exits from SAM Virus Clinic. ^BEdit Menu Most of the commands in the Edit Menu are only available in SAM Virus Clinic when a desk accessory is in front. However, 'Clear' is available to erase the contents of the Results Window when it contains something. ^BFeatures Menu The Features menu lets you scan and repair files, folders, and volumes. 'Macro' has three predefined scan macros. When you select a scan macro, SAM Virus Clinic scans in a predefined way. You can use these macros or define your own with the Define Scan Macro. 'Scan File' examines the a file you select for viruses. 'Scan System Folder' examines the contents of a System Folder for virus; it does not scan subfolders. 'Scan Folder' examines the contents of a folder, including the contents of any subfolders that folder contains. 'Scan All Volumes' examines the files of all currently mounted volumes for viruses. 'Scan & Eject' lets you scan multiple floppies, one right after the other, for viruses. 'Repair File' scans a file for viruses, and if the file is infected, repairs it. 'Repair Selected Volumes' examines the volumes currently selected in the Mounted Volumes Area for viruses, and immediately repairs any infected files found on those volumes 'Repair All Volumes' examines all mounted volumes for viruses (whether they are shown in the Mounted Volumes Area or not) and repairs any infected files found on those volumes. 'Repair & Eject' lets you scan multiple floppies, one right after the other, for viruses. Any infected files on these floppies are repaired. ^BProtection Menu The Protection Menu is only available when Advanced Menus is turned on. The Protection Menu contains commands for protecting and deprotecting your files. The actual type of protection your files and volumes receive depends on your selections in the Protection Options. 'Protect File' protects a file you select. 'Protect on Volume' protects all the files on a volume. 'Protect on Selected Volumes' protects files on all of the volumes that are currently selected in the Mounted Volumes Area. 'Deprotect File' removes protection from a file you select. 'Deprotect on Volume' removes protection from files on a volume. 'Deprotect on Selected Volumes' removes protection from files on all volumes that are currently selected in the Mounted Volumes Area. 'Show Inoculation on Selected' shows the inoculation of all files on the selected volumes. Watch the Results Window for the Inoculation Summary. ^BDefinitions Menu The Definitions Menu lets you add new virus definitions to SAM and manage the virus definition files. 'Add Definition (Resource)' lets you add a new virus definition to SAM Virus Clinic to search a file's resource fork for a virus. 'Add Definition (Data)' lets you add a new virus definition for a virus to search a file's data fork for a virus. 'Delete Virus Definition' lets you delete one or more virus definitions from the SAM User Definitions file; these are virus definitions which have been added manually. 'Transfer Definition To' lets you copy a virus definition from one SAM User Definitions file to another. 'Show Current Definitions' displays the Current Virus Definitions dialog box which lists all viruses in the SAM Virus Definitions and SAM User Definitions files. ^BOptions Menu 'Advanced Menus' toggles SAM Virus Clinic between standard and advanced menus. When Advanced Menus' is on, the Protection and Definitions Menus are added to the menu bar, and the Options Menu has three additional commands. 'General Options' determines how SAM Virus Clinic works on your Macintosh, including which buttons are displayed in the main window and the volumes that are selected when SAM Virus Clinic starts. 'Scan Options' sets the type of scan performed by SAM Virus Clinic. 'Protection Options' let you choose the options to protect your files from virus infections. 'Define Scan Macro' lets you change the scan macro options. You can change the definition of an existing scan macro to define your own scan macros.